proj-kegerator : construction



A couple cans of spray paint


and a recauking job and this si starting to look good now


here's the cart this will all sit on top of


and the casters that make it mobile. I manly need to make this mobile so I could move it once finished, but being about to move it around while working on it was a big help. Pictured also is one of my two helpers thoughout.

on cart

On she goes. The boards that stick out are done that way on purpose so that I can build a cabinet into one side.

hinge holes

these are the screw holes for the hindges. They are exactly 6" apart center to center.

rip collar

In order to reuse a set of the hinge holes which are already threaded I need to raise the hinge excataly 6". Since a 2x6 isn't actually by six I had to rip a 2x8.

jointer collar

I cut it about 1/4 big and ran it over the jointer for a nice clean surface.

measure collar


assemble collar

install collar

test lid

That looks like it will work just fine.

pannel to compressor

I don't want to cover access into the compressor bay

testing the standards

So we'll need to shave some off here.

external controls

I'll laso need to move these as the front will be covered.

fitted standard That.. pnnel off completly

removed controls

Now we can worry about where to put them later


The rubber peice that provides the base seal sticks out a bit and make it so we can't put the standards flush

lip dado

A sloopy pass with the router free hand will fix that

dado fit

cabinet box

here's the entire box assembled

cabinet box2

Opps #1

With the collar on, the lid doesn't quite fit


It's not clearing this part that sticks down lower than the lip itself. Better measurements would have prevented this, but we can fix it eaisly enough.

Opps #2

Raising the list 6" means the plug to the light no longer reaches.

left standard

The left side doesn't have a cabinet and is flush


I put three 1x2s to support the face we'll stick on this and keep from having to attach it to the freezer itself.

fixed collar

Here's the fix for the lid not fitting.


This is the underside of the drip tray with flange and some 1/2 CPVC attached.

drain tube

We'll join that up with this peice that will be inside the plywood covering and runs into the cabinet.


Don't tell me how to build stuff

more cauk

I know about "Caulk it and Paint it"


Here are some cheap foam matting I bought at a Big Box

matt cut

Cut it down to size

matt installed

and I have a nice soft floor now.

left face

Plywood on the left side


cabinet face

Plywood on the rigth had a cutout for a door that I'll build later.

Opps #3

The back right (from the front) has a good 3/8" gap. I was furrious withmyself for not having gotton somethign sqaure in my build until I relized that the freezer itself was what didn't measure up. This one corner is 'smushed'. Most likely had somethign dropped on it.


I'll just use a few shunts to raise it level


Lid and front attached. Time to think of trim.

Photo album generated by album from Marginal Hacks by Dave Mon Aug 11 08:31:53 2008